
PMD-explorers Misssion 5 part 4

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AkioAria26's avatar

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The Conversation

… Oh hey guys I'm feeling much better right now if that you're wondering… Well it turns out that Sableye is actually Devonshire, the leader of Rouges. So I guess that I already met their leader… umm you know I should stay away from him for the while because the experiences that I had been through… is really hard to say.  I have Goosebumps for hearing his name now…  I should just forget about it and keep on writing:

Devonshire explains everything of what happens to town. I on the other hand I'm had been paralyzed because of…. Well you know.

"I see some of you have survive of Sorbet's wrath but let's just forget about him and listed of what I'm going to say" man to hear those words from him is just keep getting worse and worse by the minute… Then Frank said to me with only a few words "Calm yourself Andy is going to be okay"

This is a rare sight! Frank never said anything about me NOT ONE! So he cares about me? Is hard to say I mean I been with him for like ever. I got lucky that I could understand of what Frank is trying to say: when he feels like wants to go outside, he pokes me. When he gets hungry, he pokes me and when he feels like want to see the moon hey guess what? He pokes me.

Yeah you could say that he poke me when he wants something. It may be annoying at first but is the only way to understand him. Is like I have this telepathy that I could understand of what Frank is trying to say or maybe that we are true friends after all.

I took Franks words and calm myself. It wasn't easy, I took a very long breath and I let it go, slowly one at the time until my body stay still until I made it through. Man to hear Franks words really heals me off so quickly.

"In these tunnels there is one way to get you out of Toa Village. I will recommended to all of that you should be go all together if you want to get lost into this cave. Pick your team if you want but once we start there is no going back any question?" said Devonshire

Some Pokémon are mumble for the while but one of them asks a question "and you know where these tunnels lead to?"

"But of course I know where it is I live here…. (Or was I? wait I do live here wasn't I? these holes are always fill with hollows, why do I even live here for?)" Said Devonshire
Something is wrong with this guy. At first he was mumble about something then after that his body started to chances. I couldn't sworn that his body is about to dissolve in from of our eyes and he went darker by the seconds. I sort of heard him of he was trying to say.

I sort of feel bad from this guy. I mean that's the same thing when I about to use my pattern blocks. I'm really good at making patterns, so many patterns and you don't know when to stop.

My mom told me that I have the gift but for me is more like something else. When I start my art I don't know when to stop, I keep putting one pattern at the time and making something that I really don't know what to say.

When I'm out of blocks I don't remember much but let just say that I started to my room and ended outside front of my house. It took me seconds to finish of my art. I couldn't say is curse because I like to make patterns but it does get me spaces out when I start my arts. Once you start something of your art, you can't stop it.

  Is good thing you have your friends with you because they'll always be with you. When I get spaces out mode, Frank hits me with his club so many times on my head and I'll back to myself again. I should thank Frank for that. Man I got like allot of bumps on my head for not controlling myself so maybe Devonshire has the same experiences as mine.

I should help him even he scares me a little… Okay maybe ALLOT but you have no idea of what I saw from him. I shout his name so loudly "DEVONSHIRE WAKE UP MAN!!"  And he's back to normal, well abnormal guy. "Huh? What happen?"Said Devonshire

"We were talking about if you know where it is and you got spaces out…" I said

"We were... OH YES I KNOW WHERE IT IS! Just follow this tunnel and you all are out in no time. But I should warn you all: there this Heatran is lurking from these tunnels if you seen on… you all be best to prepare" said Devonshire

WHOA THERE'S HEATRAN IN HERE?! Man I got to see him or her because this is like legendary Pokémon!!

What? You don't see an everyday of your life to see Legendary Pokémon for once in your life times.

"You may start your journey if you all want to, I will be there shortly" said Devonshire and all Pokémon when to the tunnel. I tell Frank that we'll wait here until all others Pokémon are gone. I just want to talk with Devonshire for the while; just wanted to know who Sorbet is?

After the while the whole cave is gone, sort of empty right now expect me, Frank and Devonshire. I was looking in both ways just to make sure if no one is here but when I do that, I keep seeing that Devonshire is getting closer and closer until I look at him directly.

"Why are you not with the others?" man this guy likes to make surprises. I was stun for the minute but I breathe slowly and tell him

"I want ask you something"

"And that will be?"

"Umm who is Sorbet?"

"Oh so you want that question? Well I could say is that he is Legendary Pokémon or so as I heard"

"… What Another one? What is he?" The inside of me is screaming out loud saying like WHAT ANOTHER ONE?! WHAT IS HE?!

"He is a Kyurem part dragon, part ice type perhaps? Well he is causing to our town recently. I do not know why he is acting rather strangely but I do not want to fighting with him of his behavior like the others explorations teams, they are fighting him right about now I think" said Devonshire

Whoa an ice and dragon type Pokémon? So wait those yellow eyes that we encounter was Sorbet? That means that I fought with a LEGENDARY POKEMON?!  Why he's attacking Toa Villages? So many questions popping on my head just wanted answers. But this guy doesn't know much so I guess I leave him alone.

"…Well just wanted to know that's all thank you" I said then Pal and Palette come out of those tunnels and close to us "So is time to go Devonshire?" Said Palette

"Yes I was tired of waiting let us go. But Palette are you sure you wanted appear in front of them?" Said Devonshire

"Is okay I know them, they are Team Wayfinders. this one name is Andy and the other one name is Frank, they're nice Pokémon" said Palette

"Really? Well then is great to know them now, I will see you soon then?" and he going to shake hands with Frank.

Oh man I should stop this before Frank will see what I saw but if I do that, what's going to happen to me if I shake hands with him? Would I see even worse than the last time?
  Watching how frank's life is going change forever. Is too cruel even seen this right now but something happen to Devonshire. When he shakes hands with Frank, he's freaking out allot saying like "WHAT IS THIS?! THIS LIGHT IS TOO BRIGHT!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" and just like that his entire body turn into shadow and went deeper to the tunnels…

  It was… awkward to even say it right now. None of us said anything but I finally manage to break the silent.
"Frank… What did you do to him?" When I look at him, he's too stun to say right now
"…Listen guys umm maybe you should go on ahead. We'll catch you up soon. We umm going to find Devonshire" Said Palette

"… Yeah okay we'll see you later then? Come on Frank let's go" I said and he came along

"Oui we'll see you again des Amis au revoir!"Said Pal

And Frank and I went to the tunnels alone.

I will more stuff later
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© 2012 - 2024 AkioAria26
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potatotter's avatar
wow I wonder...if Frank and Devon know each know....Devon used to be neevr mind :I
BTW: Its Tao Village I think :D